English Experts: Jogo dos 7 Erros com a Música “Like A Stone”
A música de hoje se chama “Like A Stone”, da banda Audioslave. Essa música foi lançada no álbum de estreia da banda, também intitulado Audioslave, no ano de 2002.
Neste exercício você deverá ouvir a música e acompanhar atentamente a letra a fim de descobrir onde estão os 7 erros que foram espalhados de propósito para que você possa testar o seu listening. Lembre-se de que não adianta nada olhar a letra correta em outros sites da internet, ok? Você deve praticar o exercício sem qualquer tipo de ajuda, pois o objetivo aqui é que você possa verificar como está a sua habilidade.
Abaixo estão o vídeo e a letra da música. Identifique os 7 erros e escreva as respostas corretas nos comentários deste post.
Aguardo sua participação.
Um grande abraço a todos!
Se você recebe as dicas por email e não conseguiu visualizar o vídeo acima, clique aqui para assistir.
Like A Stone
On a cobweb afternoon
In a room full of emptiness
By a freeway I confess
I was lost in the babes
Of a book full of death
Reading how we’ll die alone
And if we’re good we’ll lay to test
Anywhere we want to go
In a room full of emptiness
By a freeway I confess
I was lost in the babes
Of a book full of death
Reading how we’ll die alone
And if we’re good we’ll lay to test
Anywhere we want to go
In your house I long to be
Room by room patiently
I’ll wait for you there like a stone
I’ll wait for you there alone
Room by room patiently
I’ll wait for you there like a stone
I’ll wait for you there alone
On my deathbed I will pray
To the gods and the angels
Like a player to anyone
Who will take me to heaven
To a place I recall
I was there so long ago
The sky was bruised
The water was bled
And there you led me on
To the gods and the angels
Like a player to anyone
Who will take me to heaven
To a place I recall
I was there so long ago
The sky was bruised
The water was bled
And there you led me on
In your house I long to be
Room by room patiently
I’ll wait for you there like a stone
I’ll wait for you there alone
Room by room patiently
I’ll wait for you there like a stone
I’ll wait for you there alone
And on I breath
Until the day was gone
And I bet in regret
Of all the things I’ve done
For all that I’ve passed
And all that I’ve wronged
In dreams until my death
I will wander on
Until the day was gone
And I bet in regret
Of all the things I’ve done
For all that I’ve passed
And all that I’ve wronged
In dreams until my death
I will wander on
In your house I long to be
Room by room patiently
I’ll wait for you there like a stone
I’ll wait for you there alone
Gostou da dica? Para comentar e compartilhar com os amigos clique no link: Jogo dos 7 Erros com a Música “Like A Stone”.Room by room patiently
I’ll wait for you there like a stone
I’ll wait for you there alone
Melhores Dicas
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