Dear Prof. Pedro Borges dos Anjos:
Joel D. Wallach is a Nobel Prize nominee (medicine) for his stunning
discoveries in the use of trace materials to prevent catastrophic
disease in the newborn. He’s a recipient of the prestigious 1988 Wooster
Beach Gold Medal Award for significant breakthrough in the basic
understanding of pathophysiology of Cystic Fibrosis. He is also the
recipient of the esteemed Klau Schwarz Commemorative Medal, recognized
for his work as a pioneer in the field of trace element research.
Recently Dr. Wallach and I taped several This Is Your Day programs. I was amazed at what he shared, and the response to those broadcasts has been truly remarkable.
want to make the highlights of those historic telecasts available to
you. Plus, I want to get his materials into your hands right away so you
can begin to discover how to move into a new dimension of wellness and