It’s always fun to cook or bake something and definitely not difficult.Your creativity can give you wings once you’re cooking :). On the other hand, if you’re one of those people who’s not a dab hand at cooking, think that at some point of your life you’ll need to make yourself a meal, even if it’s simply noodles with eggs and ketchup.
Thinking of how easy it is to learn some English simply by being in touch with simple daily words , I decided to make a list about cooking vocabulary. What could be more daily than that?
Alright…a bunch of things, considering that not everyone here cooks.Still, we could give some credit to our cooking skills and start having a go at it by following recipes written in English, making the most of them to learn new words . And even if cooking is not exactly your cup of tea, you’re still very likely to learn a great deal from that, plus, it’s always good to be independent, knowing how to fix yourself something when you’re hungry.
My suggestion is – you click in one of the links of my suggested websites to get a recipe that is interesting for you or you could also simply type in English on or whatever you’d fancy eating to find you a recipe.
After you’ve found it, just flip back the page and go back to English Experts, so you can finally see my list (I’ve noticed that making lists is a quite often habit from the EE collaborators, from time to time I see a list being posted here, not bad, isn’t it? I guess we’ve already got a wide range of lists filed) and hopefully use them in case you need some cooking vocabulary.
Mince: moer (e.g- mince meat – carne moída)
Stir: misturar
Fry: fritar
Stir-fry: refogar
Deep-fry: fritar algo mergulhando no óleo (e.g Deep fried chips always make me feel sick, but my friend Raquel just loves oily food.)
Dry-fry: fritar algo sem usar óleo
Dice: to dice something (cortar em cubinhos)
Piping-hot: fervente, borbulhante (ex: It’s piping hot, I can’t eat ir now.)
Boil: cozinhar algo em água fervente, borbulhate (e.g: I eat boiled eggs every morning.)
Simmer: cozinhar algo no estágio em que a água está fervente, mas não borbulhante. (e.g – Simmer the soup gently for about an hour.)
Chop up: cortar algo em pedaços. (e.g – Do you know that Chinese meal that is made of noodles and literally chopped up vegetables and meat, which in Brazil is called yakisoba? In English we call it chop-suey.)
Whisk: bater. (e.g. This time I’m not talking about a drink but when you mix liquids, eggs etc., very quickly. To do so, you only need a fork or a proper whisk.)
Bake: assar
Slice: fatiar
Peel: descascar
Grate: ralar (e.g. the object we use to grate a cheese, vegetable, etc., is called a grater)
Grind: moer (e.g. fresh-ground meat, coffee, pepper, pepper grinder
Thanks for reading this feature and good luck with your studies!
Proofread by Adir Ferreira
Sobre a Autora: Gabriela Dias é leitora ativa do English Experts e participa diariamente do fórum, onde tem título de Expert.
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